
Petrus C. van Duyne, Jackie Harvey, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe (eds.) The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2017
456 p. ISBN: 9789462404366
This edited volume contains a selection of peer-reviewed papers originally prepared for the 16th Cross-border Crime Colloquium, held in Newcastle upon Tyne in June 2016.
Petrus van Duyne provides an introduction. Aloin Doig revisits Colin Leys' 1965 article "What is the Problem About Corruption?" in discussing current trends in corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nadya Stoynova examines the role of corruption in the process of human trafficking for sexual exploitation from Bulgaria. Arguro Elisavet Manoli and Georgios A. Antonopoulos offer an account of a number of fooball-related corrupt practices in showing why corruption in Greek football is inevitable. Anna Markovska and Alexey Serduyk review criminality in the banking industry in Ukraine in two distinct historical periods, one stretching from the 1950s to the End of the Soviet period, the other from 1991 until 2016. Nicholas Ryder provides a critical analysis of the response to financial crime in the 2008 financial crisis in the United States. Petrus van Duyne and Tjalling van Koningsveld examine offshore centers and offshore companies and their link to the real estate sector in the Netherlands. Abdullahi Bello presents Self-protecting theory to explain how money laundering reporting officers react to pressure. Doron Goldbarsht and Christopher Michaelsen provide an Australian perspective to international and quasi-legal approaches to anti-money laundering. Toine Spapens assesses the revenues of cannabis cultivation in the Tilburg area. Kenneth Murray outlines a practical framework for analyzing organized crime in Scotland. Radu Nicolae explores the links between organized crime and cybercrime in Romania. Anita Lavorgna and Anna Di Ronco explore online communities supporting quack medicine. Rob Hornsby, Jackie Harvey and Deborah Booth report findings from interviews with a range of organizations whose mandates included responsibility for prevention of child exploitation with a view to cases of trafficking that were not recognized as such. Dina Siegel investigates the consequences of a temporary and local ban on prostitution in the Netherlands for the affected prostitutes. Georgios Papanicolaou and Filippo Espinoza examine smuggling of goods and the smuggling of currency under the Dodecanese, the "Government of the Italian Islands of the Agean" up until the mid-1930s. Klaus von Lampe and Aleksandra Zurakowska provide a brief overview of German-Polish police cooperation. Joschka Proksik assesses the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX).
To download a PDF-file with the cover, table of contents and introductory chapter of the book, or to download complete volumes from this book series, visit the Cross-Border Crime Colloquium website.
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