
Petrus C. van Duyne, Klaus von Lampe, Maarten van Dijck, James L. Newell (eds.) The Organised Crime Economy: Managing Crime Markets in Europe Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005
290 p. ISBN 90-5850-144-2
This edited volume contains a selection of peer-reviewed papers prepared for the sixth Colloquium on Cross-border Crime, held at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Berlin, Germany, in September 2004.
Tom Vander Beken, Karen Verpoest, Annemie Bucquoye and Melanie Defruytier present a study on the criminal vulnerability of the European road freight transport sector. Jackie Harvey examines distinguishing characteristics of countries believed to be money laundering centers. Ton Schudelaro assesses the money laundering threat posed by electronic payment systems. Anna Markina and Jüri Saar present a study on law enforcement expectations about the development of cross-border crime in Estonia after the EU enlargement. Niels Bagelius investigates how Swedish companies investing in Eastern Europe cope with the challenges of transition economies. Miroslav Scheinost, Vladimir Baloun and Drahuse Kaderabkova describe the situation of economic crime in the Czech Republic with a special focus on financial markets. Petrus van Duyne and Mark Houtzager present an empirical study on criminal sub-contracting in the Netherlands. Per Ole Johansen presents findings from interview-based research into the illegal alcohol market in Norway. Klaus von Lampe presents quantitative and qualitative data from various sources to question commonly accepted explanations for the emergence of the cigarette black market in Germany. Tom Blickman assesses the relative importance of the Netherlands in the global ecstasy business. Tihomir Bezlov summarizes the findings of four studies on the drug market and the related organized crime situation in Bulgaria. Almir Maljevic presents an interview-based study of victims of human trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
To download the chapter "Explaining the emergence of the cigarette black market in Germany" click here. To download a PDF-file with the cover, table of contents and introductory chapter of the book, or to download complete volumes from this book series, visit the Cross-Border Crime Colloquium website.
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