Organized Crime Research (kvl-homepage) |
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Assessing Organized Crime: The Case of Germany This paper (available as a PDF-file) discusses the possibilities and limits of a meaningful assessment of organized crime in Germany. It presents various types of data and critically reviews the annual situation reports on organized crime issued by the federal German police agency BKA. An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) in Toledo, Spain, in September 2002. It has been published in the posted version in the eNewsletter Organised Crime. A journal version of this paper appeared in Crime, Law and Social Change, 42(4-5), 2004, 227-259. |
Understanding Organized Crime in Germany An analysis of the perception and reality of organized crime in Germany. An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) in Boston, March 1995. |
The Nicotine Racket: Trafficking in Untaxed Cigarettes. A Case Study of Organized Crime in Germany A guest lecture given at the Institute for Criminology of the Oslo University (Norway) in May of 1999 on the smuggling and illegal distribution of untaxed cigarettes in Germany and the activities and structure of Vietnamese extortion gangs extorting Vietnamese street vendors of untaxed cigarettes in East Germany. The paper reflects the initial stage of research I am presently conducting at Freie Universität Berlin. |
The Illegal Cigarette Market in Germany: A Case Study of Organized Crime A paper presented at the first annual meeting of the European Society of Criminology, held in Lausanne in September 2001, presents the research project on the cigarette black market I have been working on and discusses its relevance for the study of organized crime. |
Provisional situation report on trafficking in contraband cigarettes This research report (available in PDF-format) describes the situation of the cigarette black market in Northwest Europe with a special focus on Germany and the UK. The report was produced in 2005 as part of the Assessing Organised Crime research project financed by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme. |
Recent German Publications on Organized Crime A review essay that appeared in the issue 1&2/1998 of Criminal Organizations gives an overview over German publications on organized crime published between 1994 and 1997. |
The Concept of Organized Crime in Historical Perspective A paper presented at the international conference "International Organized Crime: Myth, Power, Profit," sponsored by the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in October 1999, explores the conceptual history of organized crime in the United States and Germany. A journal version of this paper was published in Forum on Crime and Society, 1(2), 2001, 99-116. |
German Definitions of Organized Crime A collection of German organized-crime definitions, including the official definition from 1990. |
Criminal Networks and Trust This paper (written in collaboration with Per Ole Johansen and presented at the ESC meeting 2003 in Helsinki) discusses the importance of trust in criminal relations. Examples are drawn from research on the illegal cigarette market in Germany and the illegal liquor market in Norway. A journal version of this paper was published in Global Crime, 6(2), 2004, 159-184. |
Organized Crime Book Reviews Learn more about organized crime in Germany and various other countries from a selection of book reviews. |
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